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Fit to Serve

Oct 16, 2023

This post is by Tami Rodriguez. 


When I was in high school, my cousin (who was also my best friend) got me hooked on tv and video workouts. You could find us sweating it out to “Buns of Steel” or Tae Bo (remember those?!) or hanging with Denise Austin in each other's living rooms every summer. I don’t know why we decided to do that while we were both healthy, young and in good shape, but I’m so glad we did. This summer fun made home exercise a normal part of my life just as much as sports practices and games were during the school year. When high school was over the tv workouts continued whether on a fitness channel, VHS, DVD and then streaming. I really can’t remember a time I didn’t regularly workout. 

Exercise gives us energy, reduces muscle and joint pain, strengthens our heart and helps with bone density as we age. Regular exercise is also a huge help for controlling stress. I’ve heard it said many times that food is the most overused drug and exercise the most underused when it comes to managing stress and anxiety. 

For me exercise is all about how it makes me feel, but it is also important as I strive to live out my mission for Christ here on this earth. We all want energy, agility and the ability to live out the purposes He has for us. I think we all desire to step up and help when people need it. We have friends in their 80’s who are still chopping and stacking firewood for the winter. I look at them and think, that’s how I want to be when I grow up! I want to continue to serve and be the hands and feet of Christ as long as I am able. Regular exercise gives me endurance along with making me flexible and strong to do all the things that come my way. 

Maybe you’re reading this and exercise is not and never has been easy for you. Let me encourage you to just start! Hello Mornings is spot on when it encourages you to find your 1 minute exercise or your daily minimum. Will you ALWAYS do at least 10 push ups everyday? Walk one mile? Stretch for 5 minutes?  What’s the smallest thing you can do daily without feeling overwhelmed? Start there! With so many options out there, sometimes just starting can be overwhelming! One thing that has helped me is to change my mindset from finding the “perfect workout plan” to picking what I like for the season I’m in. For a few years you could find me dancing, before that, a short stint running and lately more strength work with dumbbells. 

I have come to realize change isn’t failure, it’s just…change! And that’s ok. Our goals, our likes and our time available to exercise changes. Be flexible but disciplined. Choose something you enjoy and let it build from there. @nursekatejohnson on Instagram regularly does 100 day challenges that encourage you to start with just 15 minutes of walking. Watching how people progress from small goals to great healthy lifestyles is really encouraging. Try checking her out and maybe try a little challenge for yourself. I promise you will not be disappointed with the results both mentally and physically.

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.  1 Corinthians 9:24-25

Tami Rodriguez has been married to her high school sweetheart for 30 years and has 5 children plus a lovely daughter in law! She has homeschooled for 20 years and still has 5 more to go...send coffee! Tami is a lifelong learner who loves to study God’s Word and share with others whenever given the opportunity.  You can find her living life as “just a mom who likes to write” over on instagram @rodfamily007.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


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