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The Hello Mornings Blog

Rest as an Act of Faith

Jul 08, 2024

This post is by Cindy Chen.

Do you trust God enough that you take a break?

When I was a new mom with a toddler and infant at home, there were times I probably lost my mind. I think it was under a pile of dishes, deep in the recesses of the messy...

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Just Show Up

Apr 20, 2020

Written by Jen Shultz

It is never lost on me how God uses every situation for His glory.

I was given the opportunity to write for the Hello Mornings Blog, a blog and a community that have had long reaching impacts on my own life.  I had a...

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When God Time Feels Hard

Mar 26, 2020

Post by Shaina Weisgerber

John 11:35

“Jesus wept.”

Knowing Jesus cried tears helps me today. If there ever endless amounts of encouragement, hope and truth come from one person, it was him. Yet, he wept. His humanity reminds me...

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❤️ Kat Lee