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The Hello Mornings Blog

It's Not Just For Us

Jul 01, 2024

This post is by Patty Lewis.

It was another “normal” day in our household last Friday, just doing our chores, some schoolwork, living our best lives in our daily activities. James, our 17-year-old son, came out of the hall from his...

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Less Hidden

Jun 17, 2024

This post is by Jen Shultz.


My life is full of moments that make me think, why didn’t anyone tell me that? When I was expecting my first child, in the purest form of naivety, I counted out nine months to guess when the baby would...

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Memorizing What Matters Most

Jun 10, 2024

This post is by Sabeth Kapahu.


There are times that the things we choose to memorize are based on immediate priority versus long-term gain. As adolescents we remember the lyrics to songs to impress a crush or the cool kids. As college...

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Stay Salty--It's Not Just for You!

Jun 26, 2023

This post is by Patty Lewis.


When you think of memorizing Scripture, what comes to mind? 

Up until recently, I have had a fairly one-way view on it.  It is for me—for me to grow deeper in my relationship with the Lord, that...

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The Why and How of Memorizing Scripture

Jun 19, 2023

This post is by Courtney Cohen.


Scripture memorization isn’t merely for so-called spiritual giants – it’s for every follower of Christ so we can constantly line our minds up with God’s reality. Intimate familiarity...

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❤️ Kat Lee