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Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Jan 06, 2025

This post is by Tami Rodriguez.


“God Time” has often been hard for me. I felt like I was doing it wrong. I am not someone who likes to spend an hour in prayer or do devotionals. I love to study and go really deep. 

I took a “worship personality” test awhile ago and my results came back as “intellectual” (which I didn’t know was a thing!). What it told me is I feel closest to God when I’m intellectually stimulated and my study of God is how I naturally love Him. This was life changing for me! I never thought of my studying and learning as a way to worship, but it really is! It makes me not only stand in awe of God, but it makes me want to grab everyone I know and tell them about the amazing things I’ve learned about Him! It’s how I share the Gospel naturally and easily with others. 

The problem is it takes time I often don’t have, especially in the morning. As a super busy, often stressed mama of teens and young adults I also feel the need to sit with my Savior and just breathe and connect. I’ve often struggled with figuring out how to do either.

A few years ago I tried hand lettering. I’m not great at it but find it a challenge that’s also relaxing. Recently I started doing this in the morning with Scripture and I love it! I will find an instrumental worship playlist, grab some pencils and markers and just write. I first start in pencil and then go over it in marker slowly adding flourish and detail.

As I work I think about each word. I think about the phrase, where it is in Scripture, what it was referencing, how it applies to my life and I just feel my body sink into a place of relaxation and deep breathing. It resets my mind reminding me who is in charge of this world. That I don’t have to worry. He always has been and always will be in control. It has been very grounding. 

Then, to fill my “worship cup” I find time later in the day to listen to sermons or podcasts or dig into a challenging book on apologetics, culture or theology. Once I get myself started, the pull of wasting my time on fruitless things disappears and I fall into my happy place. This fills and grounds me in a different way than the morning lettering. 

I’ve discovered how we connect to God is so personal and individual. I’m learning to accept and embrace the things that I love and fill me, even if it’s not traditional or how it seems “everyone else” does it. 

How do you best connect to God? How can you work that into your “God Time”? Get creative and enjoy how uniquely He created you. Want to take the quiz? 


Tami Rodriguez has been married to her high school sweetheart for 29 years and has 5 children plus a lovely daughter in law! She has homeschooled for 18 years and still has 5 more to go...send coffee! Tami is a lifelong learner who loves to study God’s Word and share with others whenever given the opportunity.  You can find her living life as “just a mom who likes to write” over on Instagram @rodfamily007.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash


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