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Movement Is the Way to Go

Oct 23, 2023

This post is Janine Muniz.


Movement is important and prevalent these days. After spending so much time indoors, being able to go outside is a wonderful thing. And getting outside gives us more opportunities to get our bodies moving. Now having the choice of moving inside or outside (or both!) is a wonderful thing!   

Normally when it comes to movement an automatic thought is exercise. But did you know that movement comes in different forms? It’s not always about going to that spin class or taking that jog. Sometimes it can be in the form of chasing after the kids or hefting the laundry basket to and fro. Using daily activities can get your body moving. Going to the grocery store? Carrying all your purchases into your home provides a good workout. Dare I say it's like weight lifting? Chores can be an activity, too. Grab that broom dance as you sweep that dirt away. Get the kids involved. Take a basket and toss bundled socks into it. Want to make it a challenge? Use a timer or have each player use a separate basket. Now both you and your kiddos are getting some exercise in! 

Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box, too. Love to read? An audio book and a walk make a perfect combination. The same can be done while using your favorite exercise machine. Or invite a friend to get moving with you. It has been said that people are more likely to stick to an activity if they have someone to hold them accountable. Inspiring each other is great motivation! 

If you prefer to make movement a part of your self care, create something unique. Take a hike in the woods with your journal or a camera. Stopping to drink water is a great time to write about your experience or capture the beauty of God’s creation. Light some candles or use a diffuser to help create a calm environment to sit down and do some gentle stretching. Play soft music in the background. As you give your body some TLC, the amount of tension being released from your muscle might come as a surprise. Stress affects people in different ways and physically is one of them.   

Not sure where to start? The internet is your best friend. There are many websites containing ideas for activities. YouTube is a great place, too. It has something for everyone, at any skill level. Want to put some fire in those muscles? Search for high intensity interval training or HIIT for short. Rather keep it simple? Look for yoga. There are plenty of yoga routines and some of them are theme based. Some of which include peace, stress relief, or Christian based.  

Remember, movement is unique to you. It can be the mundane tasks of the day that get you going. Or it can be jogging with a friend. Whether it be five minutes or sixty, your body is in motion. And that, my friend, is the important part.   

What are your favorite ways to get moving?  


Janine Muniz earned her MFA in creative writing at Southern New Hampshire University and is currently pursuing a MA in English. As she works on her first novel, she works with special needs writers on creative writing. Janine has written anecdotal stories and opinion pieces on different topics when she was a writer for SNHU Odyssey, a student-run writer’s platform, and featured on Sweatpants & Coffee. When she’s not setting her newest idea to paper, Janine is a planner enthusiast, loving all things kawaii. She shares her home with Charlee and Mama, her two dogs, in Elmont, NY.

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash


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