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The Hello Mornings Blog

Beyond the Halfway Point: Cultivating a Hope-Filled Mindset with Healthy Boundaries

Sep 18, 2023

This post is by Rose Ward.

Have you ever seen this t-shirt? It has a picture of a glass half-filled with liquid and two arrows pointing to it saying “fifty percent water, fifty percent air – technically, the glass is completely...

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The Power of Yet

Sep 04, 2023

This post is by Jen Shultz.

This month, we are focusing on mindset. Not to brag, but I am uniquely qualified to be writing on this subject since I have to reset mine about 150 times a day. I am a professional. All kidding aside, there are few...

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Productivity = Fruitfulness

Aug 28, 2023

This post is by Patty Lewis.

Genesis 1:26  Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.  And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all...

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Productivity 101

Aug 21, 2023

This post is by Shaina Weisgerber.

I hope I am not the only one who has a hard time staying productive. I have this problem where I start one project and that sends me to the other room to get something, and then that triggers a thought and so I...

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Using Apps to Get Things Done

Aug 14, 2023

This post is by Janine Muniz.


With all the different roles we play, it can be very easy to become distracted or lose track of tasks. However thanks to the genius of app developers, we have some unique ways to stay focused and get things...

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Two Tips to Help You Actually Keep the Goals You Set

Aug 07, 2023

This post is by Lindsey Bell.

Have you ever planned to make a change and then failed to follow through? 

Most of us probably have more times than we’d care to admit. We have the best of intentions but then something happens and we...

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Divine Rest

Jul 31, 2023

This post is by Joanne Wu. 

One thing I remember most vividly from my seminary days is the term “Naptio Divina”.  This term, coined by three pastors from the church where I interned, was a joking nickname for  Lectio...

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The Unexpected Blessings of Shabbat

Jul 24, 2023

This post is by Briane Kearns.

Many concepts in Scripture hold deep theological meaning that can bless and encourage us and strengthen our walk with the Lord. Shabbat is one of those for me.

Our English word Sabbath comes from the Hebrew term...

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Struggling to Rest

Jul 17, 2023

This post is by Kelli LaFram.


At the end of 2021, after several years of toil and strife at work, at school, and in my home, I was depleted and empty. I wasn’t practicing the art of saying no at work, nor was I setting healthy,...

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Work Hard, Rest Hard: Protecting Your Time Unapologetically

Jul 10, 2023

This post is by Jen Stanbro.


Most of my life I’ve tried to be intentional about choosing to spend my time in such a way that closely reflects my priorities. I received those priorities in the quiet. Alone with the Lord, He’s...

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