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The Hello Mornings Blog

Divine Rest

Jul 31, 2023

This post is by Joanne Wu. 

One thing I remember most vividly from my seminary days is the term “Naptio Divina”.  This term, coined by three pastors from the church where I interned, was a joking nickname for  Lectio...

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The Unexpected Blessings of Shabbat

Jul 24, 2023

This post is by Briane Kearns.

Many concepts in Scripture hold deep theological meaning that can bless and encourage us and strengthen our walk with the Lord. Shabbat is one of those for me.

Our English word Sabbath comes from the Hebrew term...

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Struggling to Rest

Jul 17, 2023

This post is by Kelli LaFram.


At the end of 2021, after several years of toil and strife at work, at school, and in my home, I was depleted and empty. I wasn’t practicing the art of saying no at work, nor was I setting healthy,...

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Work Hard, Rest Hard: Protecting Your Time Unapologetically

Jul 10, 2023

This post is by Jen Stanbro.


Most of my life I’ve tried to be intentional about choosing to spend my time in such a way that closely reflects my priorities. I received those priorities in the quiet. Alone with the Lord, He’s...

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We the Weary

Jul 03, 2023

This post is by Jen Shultz.


I am so tired of the word hustle. It used to be something a coach or parent yelled when they wanted us to pick up the pace and somewhere along the way it became a culture. Labels like #GirlBoss infiltrated our...

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Our July Theme Is...

Jul 01, 2023

Welcome to July! I'd like to dedicate this month to Willis Carrier...the man who invented air conditioning...have you ever been to Texas in July? Yeah, July isn't my favorite. It's HOT here this time of year.

Joking aside, the beginning of a new...

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Stay Salty--It's Not Just for You!

Jun 26, 2023

This post is by Patty Lewis.


When you think of memorizing Scripture, what comes to mind? 

Up until recently, I have had a fairly one-way view on it.  It is for me—for me to grow deeper in my relationship with the Lord, that...

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The Why and How of Memorizing Scripture

Jun 19, 2023

This post is by Courtney Cohen.


Scripture memorization isn’t merely for so-called spiritual giants – it’s for every follower of Christ so we can constantly line our minds up with God’s reality. Intimate familiarity...

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Our June Theme Is...

Jun 01, 2023

Welcome to June! I love June because I'm a BIG fan of Summer. Swimming, vacation, friends and fun.

And the beginning of a new month is always exciting here at Hello Mornings because I get to share the Monthly Theme with...

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Neurodiversity and Habit Formation

May 29, 2023

 This post is by Cindy Chen.

Habits are necessary for daily life—we do many things without even thinking about them. We turn the key in the ignition; we put our phones in our pockets. It's habit. 

But what if our brains are wired a...

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❤️ Kat Lee