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The Hello Mornings Blog

Morning Peace

Jun 14, 2021

This post is by Tami Rodriguez.

I can’t count how many times I’ve tried to be a morning person and have failed.  My good friends (and poor husband) all know how much I don’t like but desperately WANT to love mornings...

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Summertime Gladness: How to build a fun (and structured) summer routine without sacrificing your morning time.

Jun 07, 2021

 This post is by Hannah Oxley.


After months of chilled fingers, red noses, and more recently, seasonal allergies, summer is almost here! As kids, there is nothing more exhilarating than the swift change that happens between the last...

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Beautiful Girl, You Can Do Hard Things

May 17, 2021

This post is by Jen Stanbro.


“Beautiful Girl, you can do hard things.” 

I saw this quote on a blanket in a catalog once, and it has stayed with me. 

Until I was about 30 years old, I would’ve considered myself a...

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The Mindset of a Warrior: The Bible is My Battle Plan!

May 10, 2021

This post is by Rose Ward.


Do you want to be prepared for what the world pushes against you, have the ability to defend your King well, and change the world for the better? My answer is yes, and if you are a child of God, most likely...

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My Biggest Enemy

May 03, 2021

The post is by Sabeth Kapahu.


“You are your biggest enemy when it comes to big ideas!” I heard this statement recently and knew it summed up why I love the Hello Mornings Academy. At any given moment it feels like I have a...

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The Skin You Are In

Apr 26, 2021

This post is by Jen Shultz.



That one word has made me feel like a failure more times in the last decade than I can count. That goal- the one of moving my body- has been a place of great frustration. I hit a good stride and make...

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β€œFor I know the Plans I Have for You…..”

Apr 19, 2021

This post is by Briane Kearns.

Plans come in different shapes and sizes. To make plans and achieve them we need to break them down so that we have both a vision and a roadmap. I categorize plans into three types: Big Picture Plans, Incremental...

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Move Time: An Act of Sacrificial Worship

Apr 12, 2021

This is post by Jen Stanbro.

A couple of months ago, I was sitting next to my mom on the couch in my screened-in patio, on a beautiful 75 degree day in February. This was new to me.  I grew up in Western New York (think lake-effect snow) and...

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The True Desire of Our Hearts

Apr 05, 2021

This post is by Jenn Kokal.

 It was the first warm morning of the year. I sat there on my chair, a book in one hand, a cup of hot coffee in the other. The open windows were blowing a fresh breeze through the room, rustling the long, sheer...

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On Planning, Connecting, and Offering Grace

Mar 29, 2021

This post is by Deb Alexander.

I’ve always been a planner. I used an assignment notebook years earlier than I actually needed to, simply because I loved making a check mark in the little box when I finished a homework assignment. These days,...

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❀️ Kat Lee