This post is by Kelli LaFram.
Dear reader, please know that as you read these next few paragraphs, I struggle with the issues surrounding this topic. While I know and understand the importance of exercising self-control and stewarding the...
This post is by Tami Rodriguez.
“Food is fuel” is a very popular phrase right now. People are starting to realize health is about so much more than looking good in our swimsuit. But health is about more than our body- it’s...
This post is by Jen Shultz.
When I was first let loose on this world at a meager 18 years old, I thought I knew so much. Fast forward almost 30 years and I actually chuckled to myself when writing that last sentence. While I had traveled...
This post is by Deb Alexander.
I found out my marriage was in crisis on a Friday afternoon in September. I had wondered, of course - something between us was off, but I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what that something was. Until I...
This post is by Jennifer Dixon.
Psalm 119 is a fascinating chapter of the Bible that is filled with wonderful promises of God’s Word. It tells interesting names for his Word and lists multiple benefits of knowing His Word and...
This post is by Karen Bozeman.
I have a friend who saves loose change. Over time, Greg filled a large water jug by steadily saving his spare change. During the recent coin shortage, he decided it was time to put these nickels, dimes, and quarters...
This post is by Patty Lewis.
Psalm 139:23-24
23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting....
This post is by Shaina Weisgerber.
That was my word for the year, last year. I had so many hopes and was just so sure that my life was going to reflect my word. I knew that God was going to come through in my newly scored job, in...
This post is by René Bancroft.
"Let's make a plan."
How many times have you said that phrase? To your kids? Your employees? Your spouse? To yourself? There's always an opportunity to make a plan for your day, your budget, your...
Today's post is by Rose Ward.
Have you ever found yourself reaching towards a goal only to get distracted and thrown off track? I know I have, often! Lately I have been thinking about goals within the framework of God’s plans, and the Holy...
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❤️ Kat Lee